monopoly - star wars special addition - needham style.
because monopoly monopolizes entirely too many hours to play out on a sunday night i was reluctant to give in to b. but after 10 minutes of begging i finally agreed to play.
*b sets up, in my 'office' (ha! most people refer to it as a closet)
*no youngers - too much knocking stuff over, stepping on, jumping over and kicking the game board
*all $$ goes into free parking, no mortgaging - takes too much time
*no bounty hunter fee - what does he do anyway?!?
*no limit on cities - pay the fee, you get a city
*keep mom interested
*no hogging lucky chilla $ - (we usually play in the playroom where sweet pea - the chinchilla lives - when we let her out she chews on the bills- that makes them lucky)
i won the 1st huge free parking pot. that's called cloud 9. by the time b won the next f.p. pile i was low on cash. he's a smart 11year old. he's played enough times with me to know i will start bleeding cash just to get the game over with (no matthew, i don't 'try' to bleed $ in real life). that's when the fun begins. as a sweet son he kicks in 'tips' for his payments, gives 'coupons' for rentals and gives 'bonus' $'s for a good roll. better even, he likes to buy me houses! i just can't say no. i hope he keeps this up when he is an adult!
the game got really fun when our money evened out, board was loaded with cities, we each owned at least 3 settlements in a row, decked out with cities. "9, 10, 11, dead" b said as be landed on my senate (last place before go). go to jail was a sweet treat, if i meant missing our death allies.
even with all our laughing and cheering the youngers never snooped us out. the last roll before bedtime - steph roll's the dice, six jumps, oh yeah! free parking serious jackpot!!
saved me from b's 'death ally'
the moral of the story... make my kids want to play with me so badly, they'll let me win just for fun. thanks b for a really fun sunday night xoxo!
*new rule for next game -1st to yell 'tracker beam' when you land on go to jail or visiting - take the top bill off the parking pile